Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tuesday evening (2/12)

Jason hasn't th*own up today and has been eating a little bit of food. He had a 5 hou* dialysis session. The docto* has limited the amount of fluids Jason's is to have because he's not getting *id of it expect th*ough dialysis and they'd *athe* focus on *emoving toxins than wate*. He's ext*emely f*ust*ated with the little he's supposed to be d*inking.

The t*auma docto* came in late this afte*noon and Jason told him that he was going to pee and get out of he*e. The docto* told him it wasn't going to wo*k out that way. We told him tonight that the doc told us a couple of weeks in the hospital. Jason has made g*eat p*og*ess, but he has a lot of healing to do. His back, abdomen, gultismaximus and thighs a*e still swollen. His left foot is sta*ting to be able to sense some touch, but he's still not able to move his foot o* toes. The t*auma docto* told me yeste*day that a st*ess homone would kick in and this would be a difficult week.

Jason had me put out a no visito*s sign today. He doesn't want me to talk on the phone o* leave the *oom. He had me tu*n off his phone the othe* day. Hopefully this phase will quickly pass!

Please continue to p*ay fo* Jason's physical healing and especially at this time fo* his mental and emotional state.


Texass7 said...

Mike, thanks for calling. Glad to read about Jason's recovery. He's in all our prayers down here in Texas.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates. We will be praying for ya'll. Please let us know if we can help in any way.

Anonymous said...

Mike and Debbie,

We received your news from Debby Chandler. We are praying for all of you.

Andy, Laura and Drew Faniken