Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wednesday 2/13-Thu*sday 2/14

Json's kidney doc cme (NOW THE "A" IS ST*UGGLING!) in & told him tht it could be 2-3 wks B4 the kidneys kick in. He also told him that he p*obably won't be able to do school wo*k as he could in the past. He choose to sleep most of that day afte* all that 'good' news. (the left shift key is also expe*iencing technical difficulties)

Jason continues to be ext*emely th*isty. The doc has limited him to 32 oz pe* day.

Jason told the counselo* that when he is thi*sty it takes him back to being bu*ied in the *ubble. Also, when I leave the *oom puts him back in that te**ifying spot. su*e makes me mo*e sympathic with his conce*ns!

The good news yeste*day was that he walked with the walke* down the hall to whe*e you tu*n to get on the elevato*. he sat the*e fo* a bit and walked back to the *oom.

At 3:30am he was so f*ustated f*om being ve*y hot. We put fou* *ubbe* Glove ice bags on his lowe* abdominal a*ea. He also wanted the light left on. i'm thinking the da*kness may also have t*igge*ed sca*y memo*ies. I *ead seve*al ve*ses in Psalms to him that all *elate to his situation. That *eally seemed to calm him down and we did get back to sleep afte* a bit, eventhough it was b*ight in he*e.

Mike came home last night to a clean house cou*tesy of my BSF class. Thank you all so ve*y much! Thank you also fo* giving him a Valentine box of candy!

Thank you fo* you* many p*aye*s and please keep on p*aying!

Jason is gone fo a 4 hou* dialysis session.

I'm taking kevin fu*nisses place and doing a TV inte*view this mo*ning. I see this as a g*eat way to p*aise the Lo*d openly to the enti*e jackson a*ea. The*e should be an a*ticle in the Jackson Sun newspape* today about jason. Maybe one of my tech sma*t f*iends can put up a link to it so you can *ead it.


Anonymous said...

Debbie --

We were crushed when we heard that Jason was in the middle of all this. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you & your precious family now and I hope that the dr.s are wrong about 3 weeks. Please let me know if there is ANYTHING that we can do for you and please tell Jason how much we love him. I know that Wil will visit as soon as he heads this direction (probably in a week for the UT/Memphis 'match-up').

I hope that Jason doesn't mind, but I have shared his amazing story with my students here - and he has become their hero. Maybe he can come by and sign autographs!! Until then, I have asked all the prayer warriors I know to please put Jason @ the tops of their prayer lists.

We love you!!!!!!
Dawn, Paul, Wil & Allie Southerland

p.s. Don't give a thought to the 'r' key issue - reading your messages is fun and probably qualifies as some kind of higher level thinking skill!!
: )

Anonymous said...

Here's the link sis ...

We love you all and are praying daily for Jason to recover soon.

Love, Jen

Debby Chandler said...

Much love and many prayers for Jason and your family. It was good to visit with you on Monday. Thank you for keeping every one updated about Jason's recovery and how we can pray specifically for him and the other students. May you feel God's loving arms of strength and courage wrapped around you as you care for Jason and his needs. Debby Chandler

Anonymous said...


Lynell and I are keeping Jason in our prayers. I'm keeping an eye on the house for you so no need to worry about that. If we can do anything else, please let us know.We'll wait to see ya'll when you get home. Hope its soon.Tell Jason to hang in there.
Tom Connable

Anonymous said...


When we heard about what happened, the first thing anyone could say was, how can we get up there. We decided to let you rest up for a week or two. We will be up soon, it would have been this weekend, but we have prior engagements; stepsing that is. There are 18 guys down here yearning to see you and see how you are doing. Know that everyone of us are praying and that we wouldnt hesitate to do whatever y'all need. If that is not "men of good character," I dont know what is. We will see you soon pledge brother. Again, we expect a call if you need something.


Calvin and the rest of Alpha Lambda

I love you, O Lord, My strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my Deliverer, My god is my rock, in whom i take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Ps. 18:1-2

Anonymous said...

Jason and family,

Was great to hear more new about you and the fact that you are on the mend! Still praying for your full recovery. We know how much you desire to drink and is a bummer that the doctor is limiting you to 32 ounces. Glad to see you continue to walk more; before long, Kyle and Taylor will be challenging you to a race!
Keep pushing in your recovery.
As Always our hearts and prayers are with you and your family!